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Toronto Tree Walk with Sheila Stewart

Join Ariel Gordon and poet Sheila Stewart as they take us for a guided walk in Toronto’s High Park.

Participants will meet just outside High Park (NE corner of High Park/ SW corner of Bloor Street West and Parkside Drive/Keele Street, kitty-corner to Keele subway) at 2:45 pm on Monday, May 20 with the walk beginning at 3:00 pm. We will walk a loop that ends at the Colborne Lodge (1 1 Colborne Lodge Drive).

A woodsy book signing will follow afterwards, featuring light refreshments.

Sheila Stewart has two poetry collections, A Hat to Stop a Train (Wolsak and Wynn) and The Shape of a Throat (Signature Editions), and a co-edited anthology, The Art of Poetic Inquiry (Backalong Books). Her work has been published across Canada and in the US and Ireland. She teaches at University of Toronto. She can be found hugging pines in High Park and at


May 21

Toronto launch of Treed